Chemistry Notes

(3 customer reviews)




H1 Standard Leaving Certificate Chemistry Notes

We have finally put together some H1 / A1 standard Leaving Cert Chemistry notes!

This is one of the most concise Leaving Certificate Chemistry notes online and at only €25 euro is cost much less than some of the other notes online.

The course includes 28 mandatory practical experiments which must be completed in the lab, as well as a written paper including questions on these experiments and examining the theory and applications of chemistry. It's really important that you learn your definitions and mandatory experiments, as these make up a lot of the marks in the exam. Take note: definitions must be learned word for word.

Chemistry Course Content

  1. Periodic Table and Atomic Structure
  2. Chemical Bonding
  3. Stoichiometry, Formulas and Equations
  4. Volumetric Analysis
  5. Fuels and Heats of Reaction
  6. Rates of Reaction
  7. Organic Chemistry
  8. Chemical Equilibrium
  9. Environmental Chemistry: Water
  10. Option 1:
    1A: Additional Industrial Chemistry
    1B: Atmospheric Chemistry
  11. Option 2:
    2A: Materials
    2B: Additional Electrochemistry and the Extraction of Metal

The Exam

The Leaving Cert exam is three hours long. You must answer at 2 questions from Section A (experiment section) and up to 6 questions from Section B.

Also, there are eleven questions in total on the exam paper, each carrying 50 marks.


As you can see we are constantly trying to expand our selection of notes to include more traditional subjects, such as Leaving Cert Higher Level French. Therefore, keep an eye out on the site and our socials to see when we come out with these too!

Therefore, while we are creating these notes for you, make sure you follow us on our socials:

If you liked these notes you may also like some of our other products for example:
Our H1 standard Physics Experiments, Definitions, Derivations

Finally, if you have any question in relation to our notes, send us an email by clicking here

3 reviews for Chemistry Notes

  1. Evie Daly

    Fantastic notes! Really helpful for me as I began chemistry late. Would definitely recommend.

    • Ciaran

      Hi Evie
      Glad to hear it 🙂 best of luck in the Leaving!

  2. Usman

    I brought the extended business revision notes and they are super helpful I would recommend to anyone who is doing business specially this year as we missed out a lot. Thank you so much

    • Ciaran

      Hi Usman
      Thanks for letting us know you liked them!
      Best of luck with the LC this year

  3. Chloe Darcy

    Love these notes. Really helpful. Thank you so much

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