LCVP / Links Modules Notes & Portfolio (Including 2020 Case Study)


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LCVP Notes/ Portfolio

LCVP/ Link Modules Notes - Including 2020 Case Study

These are the Link Modules / LCVP notes that helped me get a distinction in L.C.V.P. The notes include the following section of the Link Modules syllabus:

  • Working Life
  • Job Seeking
  • Career Investigation
  • Work Placement
  • Enterprise Skills
  • Local Business Enterprises
  • Local Voluntary Organisations/ Community Enterprises
  • Enterprise Activity

ADVICE: Here are some tips I have for getting a distinction in the exam section of Links Modules (LCVP):

  1. Past Papers are your friend:  Make sure you look back through the past papers, the LCVP exam is very repetitive and follows the same trends year over year
  2. Breakdown the Case Study:  When the case study is revealed make sure you break it down and create a mind map of possible questions and what is important in the case study. An example of this can be seen in the gallery. Walkthrough the case study with your teacher or alternatively find a mind map online from PDST.
  3. Learn the Layout: The layout of the LCVP paper is the same every year.


ADDED 2020: CASE STUDY. The 2020 case study 'Climate Entrepreneur' Or 'Jims Green Heating' has been added to the LCVP notes. In addition to what is above, there is also a mind map, breakdown,  word explanation, SWOT analysis, POP analysis and possible case study questions for the 2020 case study.


LCVP/ Links Modules Portfolio

This is the LCVP / Links Modules Portfolio that helped me get a distinction in L.C.V.P. I have changed names, places, times etc. for anonymity purposes.

This product contains the Portfolio, with the following sections:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Summary Report
  3. Career Investigation
  4. Action Plan
  5. Work Experience Diary

ADVICE: Here are some tips I have for getting a distinction in the portfolio section of Links Modules (LCVP).

  1. Layout:

    Firstly the portfolio must be presented on A4 with soft clear cover bound with a spiral strip or plastic spine. Use 12pt Times New Roman for body text  & size 14pt for titles. Clearly, mark new sections with 48pt text stating its name.

  2. CV:

    Make sure to follow the layout shown in our product and include:

    1. Personal details: DOB, address, etc.
    2. Education
    3. Interests/Hobbies
    4. Work Experience
    5. References
  3. Don't spend some time on the portfolio:

    The portfolio of coursework is worth 60% of the final grade. Many people don't think about the portfolio until the very end of the course. While it is pretty easy to get a Pass or even a Merit without too much effort put into the course in contrast, if you want to get a  Distinction you need to make sure your portfolio is perfect - therefore, leaving it till the 11th hour will mean you have a lot of grammatical errors even ones that you wouldn't even notice.

  4. Finally, check it and check it again:

    There will be errors you won't see on the first read or even fifth. If you can, when you're nearly done, get someone external to check your portfolio that has never seen it - so don't ask your LCVP teacher.  If you have any family friends that are teachers or are close with one of your teachers - ask them to do a read through the final draft so they can pick out any grammatical errors.


Finally, We are constantly making new content for this website. While we are creating these notes for you, make sure you follow us on our socials:


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